Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Paying college athletes

There has been a lot of debate lately about paying major college athletes.  There are some valid points that can be made in doing this.  At some of your larger universities they are making tens of millions of dollars off of these athletes and they are seeing none of this.  The revenues that these colleges get from media and endorsements is also off the charts.  Many of these universities are getting rich off of these student athletes and have to pay them nothing but the cost of their education.  Others however argue that the athlete is already getting paid because they have a full scholarship that includes the cost of food and housing.  I know many college athletes at the college i attend and while they are busy during the season they have all off season to get a job and earn money if they need it to get through school so i do not believe that college athletes should be paid.

Another troubling thing for major colleges is that of boosters paying their college athletes.  In just the past year there have been many instances of this happening including at the University of Miami (link) where a boost claims to have paid over 72 athletes in the last year.  He also claims that he gave them cars, hotel rooms, hookers, and let them throw parties on his yacht.  Ohio State also had a problem when some of their star players sold their jerseys and other accessories to a tattoo parlor in exchange for free tattoos.  These are just a couple of the instances of this happening, but it is happening all over the country.

Monday, September 5, 2011

College book costs

If my girlfriend were to have bought her books from the book store it would have cost her $1100 which is an outrageous amount in today's society.  The fact that we are already paying thousands of dollars to attend is not enough and they try to rob us at the book store.  I believe that the tuition that we pay should include the cost of the book because how are u supposed to take a class without a book.  In high school you are not required to purchase your book and i don't believe that we should have to at the college level.